This blog post would highlight different aspects of leadership and its role in motivating employees in the organization. This discussion on leadership and motivation is provided by the team of the experts of assignment help experts.
Leadership is one of the most important aspects for an organization to excel in the competitive market in the long run. Leadership is a process by which a leader motivates, develops, guides, and influences the behavior of others to accomplish the organizational goal. Prime job of a leader is to give direction to people and motivate them to see one uniform goal for the whole group. Every leader has leadership quality that helps to achieve the organizational goal and objective. Good leadership helps in creating confidence and builds the morale of an employee and helps people to see purpose in their work and hence motivating employees to work effectively and efficiently.
There are three main techniques by which an employee may be motivated; those are Validation, Information and Participation (Blue 2010). Leadership has a great role in exchange of information throughout the company, encouraging participation among the employees and validating actions of all the staff in the organization. So leadership has a direct role in affecting employee motivation in a company. A leader improves the quality and skills of an employee and guide to work in an effective manner, so that production increases of the organization. A leader may have autocratic and democratic style. No one style is effective to motivate employees and get the work done. Different circumstances require different kind of leadership styles to motivate employees. A good leader adjusts his leadership style to suit the needs of his follower to motivate them effectively.A leader is expected to have through knowledge about the organization so that he provides his knowledge to his employees. Excellent knowledge and experience makes good leader. To motivate employees effectively, a leader needs to have very good communication skills. Leadership improves abilities of the employee. Leadership also improves the performance level of an employee. Every employee should be trained in the field of their own, so that he gives their best performance. If a person has quality of a good leader, he can manage easily employees of the organization such that they all give best output to the organization.
Every leader should listen to his employees’ concern to understand their needs and requirements in an effective way i.e. employee involvement should be there in the organization. So leaders should develop such a culture in the company that all parts of the organization are working to motivate each other. From this discussion, it can be concluded that motivating employees is an important part of the job of leaders in a company.If you need help with your homework or looking for a writer for assignments help, please do visit our site or send us a query to
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