This blogpost by the experts of would inform our readers about the emerging issues in human resource management (HR). Below list highlights and describes some of the main emerging issues related to HR that are very important for organizations to manage effectively.
Workforce planning and development:
Recruitment of right person on right job is a critical issue in domestic as well as international market for the organization. In an organization, HR manager is fully responsible for recruitment of right person. Because of different culture and religion, it is difficult to provide the required training and development programs to the employees at global level (Vernez, 2007).
Managing Talent:
Managing talent is also a critical issue to address at international level due to high competition. Cultural change at global level create complication to manage skills and talent of diversify workforce to implement the strategies and plans in order to achieve organizational goals and objectives. It also affects the training and development programs of organization (Schweyer, Newman & DeVries, 2009).
Managing Globalization:
Presently, managing globalization is also a critical issue for HR manager. Due to globalization and regular changes in technological and social environment, liberalization of trade policies and regulations, etc. it has become critical for HR managers to cope with the competitive environment that affects the performance of organization at domestic as well as global platform (Griffin & Moorhead, 2009).
Managing Demographic Workforce:
Managing demographic workforce is also an emerging issue for the organization and HR department. At domestic and global level, there are many policies and regulation that affects the recruitment policy of an organization to manage people specially, aging workforce. Company’s pension plan, retirement benefits for aging people are affected by the governmental policies (Vernez, 2007). This is a very important and difficult challenge for HR managers in recent times.
Managing Changes and Cultural Transformation:
Managing organizational changes and culture at global level also creates the issues for organization and HR department. In most of the time, organizational changes create conflicts between employees and management team that affects the culture of the organization (Schweyer, Newman & DeVries, 2009). So change management is an important emerging issues for the HR managers.If you need any further regarding human resource management or need assignments help or homework help, please do send us your query to
Griffin, R. W. & Moorhead, G. (2009). Organizational Behavior: Managing People and Organizations. Cengage Learning.
Schweyer, A., Newman, E. & DeVries, P. (2009). Talent Management Technologies: A Buyer's Guide to New, Innovative Solutions. AuthorHouse.
Vernez, G. (2007). Workforce Planning and Development Processes: A Practical Guide. Rand Corporation.
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