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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Marketing Strategy

According to Moore and Pareek (2009), marketing is one of the important functions of any business besides other functions such as R&D, Finance, IT, Operation, Production, and Human Resource (HR).Assignment Help Function of marketing in organizations is directly related with attraction and retention of customers in comparison of other functions that focus on managing internal matters of organizations. To develop the marketing function effectively, firms choose appropriate marketing strategies.Homework Help Role of marketing strategies is important for organizations. According to Silk (2006), marketing strategies can be divided into two parts...

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Effective and Ineffective advertisement

This post is provided by Assignment Help Experts. Advertisement describes all the fact and feature related to the product and service.Assignment Help Television is an effective media for capturing the market. Today lot of companies gives their advertisement on the television to increase awareness among the customers. dvertisements have different features and message regarding the product or service and the company. Today FedEx’s trucks ad is more effective because it convey its message very clearly and provides all the information related to size, capacity etc. Nike’s ad is also attractive because it uses humor in its ad that makes it effective...

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Justification for Knowledge Management in Organizations

This blog post is provided by Assignment Help Experts. Knowledge management system is an important part of any organization to manage their knowledge and information to motivate employees towards the products and also helpful to create effective production and processes that lead innovation and product development. Assignment HelpThe arguments for justification for this business case are as follow: Provide Motivation for Employees: An effective knowledge management system is helpful to motivate employees in their work. It helps to improve employees’ skills and knowledge towards the products and services. It is because; knowledge management...

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Knowledge Management

In today’s perspective, most of the organizations use knowledge management in order to reduce the competitive pressure and achieve their long term goals and objectives.Assignment Help In today’s competitive world, it is essential for all the organization to increase their knowledge and information to compete with other organization not only in same industry but also from other industries (Stary and Hawamdeh 2007). Increased information and knowledge management helps the organization to create innovate products in the market that attract more customers and enhance the market image in the international marketNokia followed knowledge management...

Friday, December 2, 2011

Merger and Acquisition and Performance of Companies

Delaney & Wamuziri (2004) examines the impact of Merger and Acquisition on shareholders wealth in the UK construction industry with a sample of target firms and bidding firms.Assignment Help They investigate the financial performance of the companies during the merger announcement and after the merger (Delaney & Wamuziri 2004). This study includes an observation period of 20 days before and 20 day after the merger to examine the impact of merger on performance of the companies. In order to evaluate the financial performance, the accounting data has been used as tool of analysis in this study. Delaney & Wamuziri (2004)...

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